Book Notes - Ibong Adarna (stanzas 332-365)


And so, Don Juan goes to the other residence, which is apparently really pretty and shiny and had a beauty that was unlike any residence above ground. And when Princess Leonora came looking out the window, the prince found her to be even more attractive than Donya Juana.

The two greet each other a good day, and the princess tells Don Juan that she's surprised to see him there since the place was hidden and all. And the prince tells her that he was basically led here by a dream, and that he wouldn't be able to find the place if not for the will of God. He also tells her not to worry and that he would like her to accept his love (or something like that.)

Princess Leonora lets Don Juan inside the residence (at this point, I don't think it's just a house) and they have a talk. The princess mentions that she's worried about the serpent, who might return at any minute. Where was she going to hide him, for one?

And like before, with the giant, Don Juan reassures the lady that he's going to take care of it (by slaying it, of course)

Just then, the serpent arrives and calls for Leonora, smelling that there's someone else with them. The prince answers that his sword will take its life, and the serpent replies back, saying that without fail, it will ensnare Don Juan.

The two then fight, and they're evenly matched in terms of strength. But as this battle goes on, Don Juan finds out that the serpent has an ace up its sleeve. Whenever he cuts off a head of the creature, it just goes back to the rest of the body and reattaches itself. Because of this, three hours soon pass and no one has won yet.

At this point, they get tired, and the serpent calls for a break, to which Don Juan agrees. And during that break, Princess Leonora gives the prince a balm that, if quickly applied onto the serpent's head once it becomes decapitated, will prevent the head from reattaching.

The fight soon starts again, and this time, Don Juan is able to cut off the serpent's heads one by one. By the time six of the heads get cut off, the serpent is furious and says that it will kill the prince with its remaining head. It wasn't successful, though, as Don Juan manages to cut off the last head and apply the balm on it, killing the serpent. (Or should it be called a hydra at this point...?)

Personal Thoughts

Well, who knew that the courting and romance element of this wouldn't be so simple? Definitely not me, as it looks like Don Juan would pretty much woo any lady he found attractive, at least. I'm glad that, as a character, he's far from being absolutely perfect. Not going to lie, I was scared that he would be too perfect.

I also find the earlier fight with the giant rather funny given the fight with the serpent here. I mean, the giant went down without much narration, and here, there was an epic battle.

Now... What lies in store for Don Juan and the ladies once they get out of the well?

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