Novel App Takeaways - A Background

Originally, I was going to write about why I don't want to write for novel apps anymore, but I realized that I ended up being very negative about it. Of course, it's not that I want to be positive all the time, as that is unhealthy and would deny the reality of the situation, but I do want to cultivate learning from mistakes.

Yes, mistakes. Despite the monetary benefit it had provided me, I would consider writing for novel apps more of something that I could and perhaps, should have avoided. But then, if I did avoid it at the time, I probably wouldn't be writing about it now. And so I must acknowledge the sovereignty of our Lord, and be thankful for this experience.

But yeah, so it all started when a friend of mine found out about these apps. I've known about them (being aware of Wattpad and Webnovel and stuff like that) and was actually thinking about writing stories for money even before this came about. The only thing that really stopped me back then was the possibility of getting distracted from work, since I haven't really told people about me being serious with it. So, basically, I was thinking of doing my day job and writing stories at the same time but didn't go into it.

At first, anyway, since my work soon became the story writing thing. My friend had gotten in as a paid writer for a few of them, and told me to try going for it too, since it could kick off writing stories, like I'd always wanted to do since I was able to write stories. (That fact, I've been open about, I just didn't tell them about what I'd been thinking of doing.) With some difficulty (especially since I wasn't really into NSFW, and this involved it because it's the "in thing"), I managed to get in too.

The rest is history.

As I said, nowadays, I view it more of a mistake than an achievement. And so I would like to share some things that I've learned from the experience.